How digital media has enhanced OOH advertising practices?

Digital revolution sets the tone of modern outdoor advertising practices. ‘Go digital’ is the current trend of advertising through OOH media. Conventional Outdoor Advertisers have switched to digital tools to cope with the changing trends of brand advertising. Today, outdoor advertising has emerged from a ‘cup of coffee’ to a huge ‘coffee pot’ itself. Yes! Bulk is the word. Brands are advertised through OOH media in such a bulk manner. Campaigns after campaigns are continuously launched through digitalized OOH media. Digital media has indeed changed the entire facet of outdoor advertising in India. In the next few paragraphs, let us take a look at some digital tools of OOH Advertising extensively used by brand owners and advertisers to promote their brands.

Digital Wallpaper 
Digital wallpapers are one of the latest tools of OOH Advertising widely used by advertisers at the shopping malls, airports, metro stations and also at various outdoor avenues. The brand message is highlighted in a bright and attractive way through digital wallpapers grasping the passing attention of customers quite effectively.

LED displays are used mostly at the shopping malls, airports and metro stations. Brand messages reach out to customers in an interactive manner through this OOH media. Thanks to the techno guys who have come up with such innovative and interactive device of brand promotion through OOH media.

OOH ad displays through 3D LCDs provide a rich impact on target customers. It is an expensive medium of promotion as compared to other OOH mediums. Enriched with a sound technology, this media however provides an interactively rich impact on onlookers. 3D LCDs are visible mostly at the shopping malls displaying brand information for customers.

Video LCD 
Through video LCDs, the brand owners provide the brand message in a video format. The brand commercial runs just like a television commercial through this media enhancing the overall brand experience of customers.

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