How Advertising is a means and a source simultaneously?

An Economic Times ad
Advertising is a means and a source simultaneously. For advertisers/ brand owners, advertising is a means to interact with customers by providing the brand message through a reachable channel. Whereas for customers, it is a source to avail of useful information or updates about various brands. Advertising ensures a brand owner that his message is passed on to those target customers/buyers/prospects who have spending capacity for his brand. However, the successful delivery of a brand message to a great extent depends on how impactful the message is framed. Novelty is an asset for any advertising practice. An original idea presented in a creative manner provides the desired impact on target groups.

Advertising plays a significant role while encouraging the buyers group to adopt a particular product or service. A positive brand message is again an added advantage for a brand owner to advertise his brand amongst customers. Positivity most often rules the roost in any kind of brand advertising. Hence, brand advertisers should ensure that any brand message provides a positive appeal to customers.

Advertising channels play an important role while conveying the brand message to customers. Television Advertising, Radio Advertising, Print Advertising, Outdoor Advertising- all these play important roles while passing the brand message to customers. Brand owners can have their own choice of media channel for any promotion campaign. However, a market survey is a must before choosing a particular channel of brand advertising. Finding out the most reachable channel of communication is an asset for any advertising campaign. This helps the advertiser to study the consumers’ behaviour and select the right media vehicle that will successfully deliver the brand message to customers. From customers’ perspective, an ad message that comes to them through an easily available channel is a good source to avail of the brand message or to find out details about the product that is advertised. All in all, it has been rightly stated that advertising is a means as well as source at the same time.

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