How advertising appeals assist brand marketing?

An advertising practice is a means of marketing to generate sales or revenue for the brand through proper interaction thereby bridging the gap between customers and brand owners. A proper channel, method, technique and tactic are primary requirements for any ad campaign. Besides, an appeal is also a must for every advertising campaign that is to be launched. There are various types of appeals. Advertisers can adopt any appeal that will be relevant with the promotional requirements of their brands. Let us have a look at some commonly implemented appeals of advertising extensively used by brand owners and advertisers.

Fear Appeal 
This kind of appeal is interestingly one of the primary appeals brand owners use to sell their products amongst target groups. The advertiser first of all creates one such situation in which customers suddenly become aware of an issue for example a particular health factor. This appeal encourages customers to buy the brand because of the fear to come across any probable problem by not using the brand. The brand thus chivalrously renders solution to the kind of fear generated on customers’ mind in a cathartic manner.

Ego Appeal 
This appeal is less used by advertisers because of its negative connotations. However, for posh brands, this is the right appeal that attracts attention of rich buyers. This appeal is particularly meant for those customers who love to flaunt amongst their peer groups. And as mentioned before, ego appeal is seldom used in brand advertising campaigns.

Emotional Appeal 
An emotional appeal is generally known as the most popular appeal ever used in brand advertising. Especially for women, children and family brands, emotional appeal is the best appeal to be implemented for the various brand promotion campaigns. Human IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) are most often dominated by the latter. Hence, use of emotional appeal in brand advertising helps the brand advertiser gain more fame of his brand amongst target groups.

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