Does OOH Advertising create positive vibes?

Let us for a while forget the marketing aspects of outdoor advertising. Let us celebrate the victory of winning World Cup 2011. There were many campaigns launched by various brands with only one common concept i.e. to support and encourage Indian team to grab the World Cup. Pepsi also came up with the new concept ‘Change the game’. Anywhere in the city- at the metro stations, at the bus shelters, at roadsides/ highways we have been familiarized with those life size billboards, posters and kiosks that display different Indian players (as brand ambassadors) communicating the message ‘ Change the game’. Somehow, it influenced each one of us for a winning spree. Coupled with a positive attitude, Hurray! The ‘World Cup’ came in our hands. It is indeed an eventful year in the contemporary history of Modern India to have the ‘Cup’. History has been repeated again and it calls for big celebrations.

A pertaining question whether outdoor advertising practices have got anything to do with India’s victory is worth a discussion. To a great extent, Yes, OOH Advertising practices have got a lot of thing to do with India’s victory this year. The various ‘Support Cricket’ OOH Advertising campaigns launched by various brand owners geared up the spirit of the Indian players motivating them to play the game with a winning spirit. And Hurrah! We did win the cup this year after 28 long years. Be it any game, any event, any occasion- out of home advertising practices have become a part and parcel of each one of them. Creating positive vibes is perhaps one of the most important assets of OOH Advertising. Many outdoor advertisers won their accolade for outstanding OOH campaigns for specific games and occasions. And the future is as enticing as it is for all the outdoor advertisers to celebrate the joy of victory. Cheers to India, Cheers to Outdoor Advertisers!

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