How media vehicles are significant in brand advertising?

Media vehicle also known as channel or medium of brand advertising plays one of the key roles in the overall promotion of any brand/ service or business idea. It is through the media vehicle that customers avail of or get to know about the brand information. There are many types of media vehicles that are used by brand owners to communicate with their target customers. In the following paragraphs, some commonly adopted media vehicles and their significances are briefly explained. Take a look.

Television Advertising 
Brand advertising through television media is the most commonly known mode of promotion. Television Advertising provides good impact on target customers because of its audio-visual advantages. Audiences can watch and also listen to the brand commercials that are telecast through the various television channels. Advertisers/brand owners buy time slots for television commercials during the break of a particular show or program. Television Ads also provide good brand recall value to customers because of their repeated telecasts.

Radio Advertising 
Brand promotion through radio media is one of the cost effective modes of advertising. Radio Ads provide massive appeal to customers because of its good reachability. A radio is easily affordable by any target group. Hence, it is easy to target a massive target group through radio ads. Like television ads, brand owners/advertisers need to buy time slots to telecast the commercials.

Print Advertising 
One of the oldest modes of brand communication is print advertising. Print ads reach customers through newspaper classified, pamphlets, flyers, brochures, leaflets etc. Print media still provides rich impact on target groups. Hence, various brand owners still promote their brands through the various print mediums. Print Ads are also considered as one of the most reliable mediums because these ads can be traced back anytime when required. Unlike television or radio ads, there is not time-bound factor for print ads.

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